Kokoro Karate Dojo Kyu Grading

Congratulations to Matthew san and Luke san who passed their 5th Kyu grading today.  Young Luke showed remarkable focus whilst performing his kata and basic movements whilst Matthew pushed himself to exhaustion as you will notice in the very sweaty photograph.  They both demonstrated great skill, focus and determination to enable a pass with flying colours.

I am delighted to say that your karate skills are developing nicely and I look forward to further cementing your current knowledge and introducing you to your next set of new techniques.

Keep up the good work and a very well done from sensei Tim. Osu.

From green belt (6th Kyu) to purple belt (5th Kyu)

  • Matthew Turner
  • Luke Turner

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to helping you achieve your next level.

Watashitachi wa anata no tsugi no reberu o tassei suru no o tanoshiminishiteimasu

