CONGRATULATIONS to Nathan who passed his Sandan Kuro Obi (3rd dan black belt) grading on 14th September 2024.
He showed some incredibly accurate and highly dynamic Shotokan Karate skills in Kihon, Kata, Kumite and Bunkai. Coupled with his focus, spirit, dedication and thirst for knowledge and improvement, it is fair to say that he thoroughly deserves his promotion to SANDAN KURO OBI (3rd dan black belt). We are looking forward to working closely together as he continues his journey towards 4th dan with yet even more intense training and learning ahead along the steep ascent up the side of the mountain.
A massive thank you to Sam, Chris and Kevin who did their mock third dan grading along side Nathan, their time will come just keep striving to improve every aspect of your studies. Also another massive thank you to the grading panel Richard, Hayley, Sharon, Matt, Jonty and Adam who gave up some of their weekend time to lend their expert knowledge to this very special day.
Keizoku wa chikara nari
Continuance is power / Continuity is the father of success / Persistence pays off
From 2nd dan (black belt) to 3rd dan (black belt)
- Nathan M