Kibworth Cubs Taster Session January ’22

Kibworth Cubs Taster Session January ’22

I think it’s fair so we all thoroughlyenjoyedour free Shotokan Karate taster session at the Kibworth Scout Hut yesterday evening (26 01 2022).

There was a whopping 35 budding karateka in attendance as well as a few of our current students who train at our Smeeton Westerby dojo and are also Cubs; each and everyone of them were so well behaved, a true credit to the community of Kibworth. Well done kids 🙂

They really enjoyed learning some Japanese phrases, how to correctly hold a fist, make a punch, block effectively and try their first karate kick. We even squeezed in some Cobra Kai style crane kicks, along with a demonstration as to why that particular technique is really only any good for films.

Thanks to the brilliant volunteer organisers @1stKibworthScoutGroup who are inspiring the next generation of Kibworthians.

Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu どうもありがとうございます