A Very Busy Couple of Weeks at Kokoro Karate Dojo

A Very Busy Couple of Weeks at Kokoro Karate Dojo

Kibworth Primary School Sports Week – wc 21 06 2021
We gave some karate sessions during last week to the year 3 and year 5 children at Kibworth Primary School for their annual sports week. We had a tremendous time showing them some basic blocks, punches and kicks.  They were such good learners that we even managed to introduce them to Kihon Kata, their first attempt of a real Shotokan karate kata and they all did tremendously well.  
A huge thank you to the teachers and pupils at this brilliant school for making our time with you so much fun.  Domo arigato gozaimasu.

Wigston Academy  Karate Presentation Week – wc 28 06 2021
This week we are giving some more karate sessions to the young people at Wigston Academy in years 7, 8 and 9.  It was great to be back at my old school again, Abington as it was then.  Just as with last week we thoroughly enjoyed teaching some traditional shotokan karate techniques to such brilliantly well behaved and willing pupils . 
Another massive thank you to the teachers and pupils of the awesome Wigston Academy.  It has been a complete joy to share our martial art skills with you all.  Domo arigato gozaimasu.