Wow!!!! What a brilliant turn out and what a fantastic performance by everyone.

So far we have managed to absolutely smash our £500.00 target with a current running total of £705.00 with more to come.  The proceeds from this event will be sent to our just giving page at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/kokorokaratedojo
Please feel free to donate directly here, even just £1.00 will make a difference.

We started our MIND event at a steady pace with a simple first technique called “gedan Barai” (Lower downward block) and finished 90 minutes later on a 21 technique combination.  Yes, you read that correctly TWENTY ONE simultaneously performed standing techniques x 3 repetitions

1st technique gedan barai
2nd technique uraken
3rd technique gyaku tsuki
4th technique ushiro empi
5th technique gyaku tsuki
6th technique kizami tsuki
7th technique gyaku tsuki
8th technique gedan barai
9th technique age uke
10th technique soto uke
11th technique kizami tsuki
12th technique gyaku tsuki
13th technique shuto uke
14th technique mae ashi geri
15th technique nukite (chudan)
16th technique shuto uke
17th technique nukite (jodan)
18th technique shuto uchi
19th technique mae geri
20th technique gyaku tsuki
21st technique gedan barai

Thank you once again to everyone involved for such a brilliant effort.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu


 #veryproudsensei #thankyouformakingourclubawesome