Stand up to Cancer / STAND UP TO KATA

Stand up to Cancer / STAND UP TO KATA
I wanted to share the photographs from our event and the certificate and letter received today from Cancer Research UK thanking us all for our efforts in raising the amazing sum.  Let me know if you would like a copy of them.

A reminder of our day of fundraising…………………….

Drum roll please………………………………………….

This years fundraising total is confirmed at a massive target tripling………………………………………………

£1,142.50 plus gift aid £279.38, a grand total of  £1,421.88 for the Cancer Research UK team to spend on finding cures and developing kinder treatments.

THANK YOU to all our students, their families and their friends who supported our Cancer Research UK fundraising event on 19th November 2017. 

We performed kata for two hours from Kihon Kata (the first basic kata learned as a beginner) to Bassai Dai (an advanced kata performed during your black belt grading).  The junior grades and the kids did amazingly well (adults……..”you could do better” 🙂 ) to keep up with the senior grades on the way to Bassai Dai.  Our willing and focussed students gave it their all to help raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

We also performed bunkai for Kihon Kata and Heian Yondan to further our understanding of how each of the moves can be applied.

There was “stress busting bag punching” with Sempai Jack, delicious chocolate cakes made by Sharon Terry and not so delicious Japanese sweets for sale.  Your contributions for these are being put into the kitty with the rest of our funds kindly raised by our club and it’s members. 

Thank you so much

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu


 #veryproudsensei #thankyouformakingourclubawesome